Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Awesome Lingo Tool

I'm kind of a language nerd, in that I love learning about other languages, listening to other languages, finding similarities between languages, exploring how languages shape cultures - if it deals with words, I'm there.  So, the other night I decided to google references for my independent study and for information on Thai language and culture, and stumbled across this site. I am in LOVE with it.  

Called Omniglot, it has information on the development, history, alphabet, and pronunciation for hundreds of different languages. It also includes external links, sample text (both the Torah/Bible story of the Tower of Babel, and from the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights), and useful travel phrases.  It even has a host of created languages (like Klingon - the key to my brothers' hearts)!  I could spend hours exploring, hope you all have some fun too!

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